The show, which made vivid use of contemporary Los Angeles locations and consistently tackled tough topics, premiered in 2016 and wrapped up last fall after five acclaimed seasons.
Peter Tonguette
Peter Tonguette
Peter Tonguette is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Sight & Sound, Film Comment and Cineaste. He can be reached at [email protected].
Cover StoryFeatures
How the Post-Production Team for ‘Hawkeye,’ the Latest Marvel Epic, Hit the Target
For those who work in post-production, the long hours spent poring over dailies, collaborating with directors and producers, and making scenes just so are rewarded when audiences respond appreciatively.
“I hope people can see this and realize this is not a history story, in a way. This is not a story of something that happened 80 years ago that …
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Rodriguez, who has been working with Schrader since the mid-2010s, is a comparative newcomer. The Cleveland native made his feature film debut as the editor on what was Schrader’s 19th …
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