Though we GenXers might look back on our favorite ’80s films with some chagrin, “Parenthood” (1989) holds up.
Tail Pop
Tail Pop
Why Fox Nearly Pulled the Plug On the Original ‘Star Wars,’ the Biggest Space Epic of All Time
The lights came on… Shock. Silence. “Oh man, we’re just working on a schlock low-budget Roger Corman sci-fi,” we thought.
FeaturesTail Pop
‘So Glad You’re Here’: Sharing Mom’s Last Days with ‘The Incredibles’
by uncreditedby uncreditedIt’s an all-time personal favorite. It was also the last movie I watched with my mom.
By Donna J. Choo I grew up in Hawai‘i, on the island of O‘ahu, where my moviegoing love began at Queen’s Theater in Kaimuki, and the Waialae and Kailua Drive-ins. …
ColumnsTail Pop
Kiss Me, Deadly: The Life Lessons of Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’
by uncreditedby uncreditedOne of my earliest memories is of my mother taking me into Manhattan from Brooklyn one gloomy morning, on a subway train crossing the East River.
The enduring wisdom of Indiana Jones
ColumnsTail PopThis Quarter in Film History
Words Like Bullets: How ‘Sweet Smell’ Met with Success
by uncreditedby uncreditedWhy ‘Sweet Smell’ Succeeded
FeaturesTail PopThis Quarter in Film History
TAIL POP: The Enduring Influence of Jean-Luc Godard and ‘Band of Outsiders’
by uncreditedby uncreditedI grew up in a Long Island suburb among people about whom a friend once said, “If they can’t eat it or wear it, they don’t want it.”
ColumnsTail Pop
Tail Pop: How the Film Cult Classic ‘Harold And Maude’ Inspired a Generation
by uncreditedby uncreditedHow a Kid Found the Heart in “Harold And Maude.”
It was the summer of 1974, and for my sister and me, there was a gross injustice in the world. I could tell you that the injustice involved saving the …