Looking back at ‘Discreet Charm’, the time manipulation feels precious.
Tail Pop
In ‘Don’t Look Back’, the action unfolds at the rhythm of life.
It was 1984, and I walked out of the movie theatre electrified.
Watching ‘Member of the Wedding’ made me aware for the first time of the art of editing.
‘The Third Man’ cleverly uses its Viennese locations to deepen the intrigue; the city itself becomes a character in the film.
After seeing ‘The Graduate’, I realized that movies could be an art form.
Beyond pure entertainment value, those looking for substance will find it. For audiences in 1938 theaters, ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ played as a warning to resist oppressors who were …
Chaplin’s on-screen mixture of humor, acrobatics and pathos has an almost magical ability to put a smile in one’s heart.
I remembered how the same footage in Brazil was used to portray extreme opposites of emotion, and realized I too could manipulate the footage shot in Reality to better reflect …
‘Lawrence of Arabia’ resonated far more deeply than anything I had seen to that point.