“American Murderer” tells the true crime story of Jason Derek Brown (Tom Pelphrey), a classic con man swindling his way through a life of debauched luxury.
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Daysha Broadway Talks About Editing Biopic ‘Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody’
by uncreditedby uncreditedBy Patrick Z. McGavin She’s blessed with the perfect name for a career in show business. “People always ask me if I made it up,” Daysha Broadway, ACE, said of …
“Olivia loved low-frequency sounds.”
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Bob Ducsay Explains How the Editing Keeps Viewers Guessing in Murder Mystery ‘Glass Onion’
by Rob Feldby Rob Feldby Rob Feld In conversation, one gets the sense that Bob Ducsay, ACE, is at core an artist who just happens to find himself in the body of a sought-after …
“The second you put your neck out and do something on your own, you could die. I think that’s a really salient concept.”
“I wanted to explore holding on her face longer than you otherwise might think to, to get people inside her head.”
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Lee Smith Talks About Re-teaming With Sam Mendes for ‘Empire of Light’
by uncreditedby uncredited“Changing your mind or making adjustments is like rebuilding a house that you continuously knock over with a sledgehammer.”
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Scott Gershin on Finding the Right Sounds for Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pinocchio’
by Rob Feldby Rob Feld“What I found challenging and what required a journey was to find the sound of Pinocchio. Let’s start with wood, so you bang pieces of wood together and you go, …
“What bounced in my head a lot was the concept of devotion.”
For Your Consideration: Studio DVD Award Screeners Are Wasteful and Need to Go (OPINION)
by uncreditedby uncreditedInstead of placing the burden on the members who receive these DVDs by no choice of their own, media companies should assume responsibility for the problem they’ve created.