We “cover” mostly screenplays, but also novels (some pre-publication), newspaper and magazine articles, plays — any potential source for a good story or lead character. We evaluate old movies for …
Story Analysts
We asked our erudite story analysts to weigh in on their favorites–– the films that left their mark, or ones that are revisited each year to mark the holiday season.
In a perfect world, what would be the Best Picture of 2009?
Editors and story analysts both use their considerable skills and training to hone and finesse a film’s story.
CineMontage has turned to the Guild’s erudite, critical and scholarly branch––the story analysts––and asked them to venture deep inside their inner film geeks, to forget that their professional reputations could …
The job of the story analyst goes way beyond reading a script.
Good analysts know that stepping outside of themselves to examine a script from a different point-of-view is key in writing a complete analysis of the potential project.
There is a measure of power to the job of story analyst.